Economic, Social and Market Statistics

Comittee Chair: Solveigh Jäger (Federation of German Industries (BDI))
Vice Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kladroba (FOM University of Applied Sciences; Donor’s Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany)
New election: 2027


Tasks, Goals and Contents:

Providing information on important economic and sociopolitical issues is still an important task of statistics today, not only of official statistics. The Committee for “Economic, Social and Market Statistics” would therefore like to see itself as a collection point for all economic and social statistical topics.

Contact persons of the committee are therefore:

  • Businesses (including private data producers)
  • Economic and business associations
  • Official statistics at federal and European level (including the ONAs in the European Statistical System)
  • Federal ministries and federal authorities
  • Universities and governmental and non-governmental research institutions

In this context, the institutions mentioned may be data producers, data users, or subjects of statistics.


Subject selection:

  • Economic and business statistics
  • Labor market and social security (working group)
  • National accounts (working group)
  • Short-term and structural statistics
  • Statistics on research, education and innovation

Working Groups:

Labor Market and Social Security National Accounts, Welfare Measurement