Membership of the German Statistical Society in other societies and associations
The German Statistical Society is well connected in many organizations and is, among others, a member of the following associations.
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat)
The DStatG is a founding member of the ‚Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik‘ (DAGStat). The DAGStat is an association of currently thirteen German scientific societies on statistics and the Federal Statistical Office. It bundles the different orientations of the discipline of statistics and articulates the point of view of scientists working on and with statistical methods in public. The DAGStat was founded in 2005.
Every three years, the DAGStat organizes – in cooperation with the DStatG and other statistical societies – a major international scientific conference, as well as annual symposia on politically relevant issues related to statistics. The symposia are aimed at a broader public.
Federation of National European Statistical Societies (FENStatS)
The ‚Federation of National European Statistical Societies‘ (FENStatS) is the umbrella organization of statistical societies in Europe. Founded in 2011, it currently unites 19 national societies. DStatG is one of its ten founding members.
The declared aim of FENStatS is to promote communication, cooperation, and research activities of statisticians in Europe and to deepen the relations of statistics with society and the European institutions. It is particularly committed to the dissemination of statistical education in Europe.
Important activities of FENStatS are:
- the organization of conferences that bring together producers and users of statistics
- the participation in the further development of the official statistical program of the European Union
- the organization of courses on new statistical methods: European Courses in Advanced Statistics (ECAS), which are aimed at professional statisticians from universities and practices
- the establishment of a European job exchange for statisticians
Corporate Members